So. One day back in springtime, I was making this recipe called Cranberry Macadamia Bars, with my friend. There was an inset in the cookbook and it looked spectacular. So we decided to make it, of course. And the first problem was that I didn't have any macadamias. I actually don't know what exactly macadamias are, really. I know they put them in those cookies at the store... that statement was so nondescript. Anyways, the book told me that we could use hazelnuts or pecans instead so we used pecans. Problem solved. Only now they were going to be Cranberry Pecan Bars. Then I saw it the recipe asked for finely chopped cranberries. But all I had were craisins. And you know, craisins are just a smidgeon hard to finely chop, so we just left them whole. So now it was Craisin Pecan Bars. We kept making them and we finished and they turned out not at all like the book photograph. The caption to the inset in the book said that these bars were "Like tiny slices of a special tart." And the picture showed moist, lush, happy triangular bars. But what we recieved from the oven were not moist nor lush. The bars fell to pieces in my hands and they were difficult to eat. It was tragic. So my friend took them to church to pawn them off on the malnourished members of the college group there. That photo is an intense close-up of the mix. There are no faces in this picture but I'm sure if you stared at it long enough, you would see something. Ok. The End.